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    Time series acquisition of Water temperature at mooring station MDI by SBE56 self-recording Temperature sensor. Time and spatial scale: 10 min, fixed depth 62 m, 40 m above sea bottom Parameters: Depth water, Depth, (m) Temperature, water; Temp, (C).

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    Arctic Present Climate Change and Past Extreme Events (ARCA) CD4 core was micromilled at 200 μm increments using a micro-milling method (Drysdale et al., 2012). The stable isotope composition of the powders was measured on CO2 gas released by reaction with 105% H3PO4 at 70°C, which was measured using a mass spectrometer. Isotopic results are reported using the conventional δ-notation in per mille (‰), with reference to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V -PDB) standard. Instrument : MC-ICPMS, Nu-Instruments Plasma, Finnigan GasBench Parameter : Th**230/U**238 and U**234/U**238 activity ratios, (δ**13)C and (δ**18)O

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    Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon interactions in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard (C3) Use sediment cores as archives of climate-induced destabilizations in the fjord. By targeting well known past climate changes (MWP and LIA) we will understand how the C3 system varied during natural warming and cooling events. Retrieve of two sediment cores in Kongsfjorden, in summer 2017, to encompass the last 1k years.

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    Daily averages of equivalent black carbon from aerosol absorption coefficient at 660nm measured using a Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP), manufactured by Radiance Research. MAC equal to 10 m^2/g.

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    The dataset includes fourteen seawater surface sampling points taken with Niskin bottles on board the MS-Teisten (Kings Bay)

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    Atmospheric Gondola for Aerosol Profiles (AGAP) The scientific goals of AGAP are to develop novel aerosol payloads and evaluate the vertical distribution of aerosol properties in the Arctic Boundary Layer. Dataset consists in Aerosol vertical profiles gridded at a 50 m spatial resolution: R, T, P, RH, Aerosol size distribution, BC concentration, O3. Maximum altitudes 1500 m.

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    Holocene environmental change on Svalbard (HOLS) The aim of this international umbrella project is to study the variation of environment and climate in Svalbard during the Holocene. At the moment no integrated temperature or precipitation record exists for the entire Holocene on Svalbard. We aim to reconstruct temperature and precipitation for the Holocene by using a combination of lake sediment records, proglacial lakes and glacial moraine records. By analysing proxies as chironomids, alkenones, macro fossils and DNA temperatures can be reconstructed. Proglacial lake sediments and glacial moraine records help to reconstruct former ELA of glaciers and can be used to reconstruct precipitation records in combination with available temperature records.

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    Atmospheric Gondola for Aerosol Profiles (AGAP) Developing novel aerosol payloads and evaluate the vertical distribution of aerosol properties in the Arctic Boundary Layer. Aerosol vertical profiles by tethered balloon: Aerosol vertical profiles gridded at a 50 m spatial resolution: R, T, P, RH, Aerosol size distribution, BC concentration, O3. Maximum altitudes 1500 m.

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    The Climate Change Tower Integrated Project (CCT-IP) represents the guide lines of the italian research in the arctic and aims to study the interaction between all the components of the climate system in the Arctic. The Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT) is the key infrastructure of the project, and provides continuous acquisition of the atmospheric parameters at different heights as well as at the interface between the surface and the atmosphere. 30 minutes average (μ) and standard deviation (σ) of meteorological data are available for the download. Data at resolution of 1 minute are available for online visualization and downloadable under request.

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    This proposal will focus on eutrophication, contaminants, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors of the MSFD. Vertical acquisition in 18 CTD station in Kongsfjorden with water sampling at 2-3 depths (surface, intermediate, bottom) for nutrient and pH analyses of sampled water in the lab