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    Study of the noise generated by glaciers for quantification of geo-physical processes, wide band frequency acoustic recorders will be placed in the Kongsfjorden during the spring-autumn period. Moreover, the biological sound will be also collected and the interacting with the geo-physical and anthropogenic sounds will be evaluated. Instrument : SM2U.

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    This proposal will focus, by means of a multidisciplinary and well-balanced consortium on eutrophication, contaminants, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors of the MSFD. vertical acquisition in 18 CTD station in Kongsfjorden with water sampling at 2-3 depths (surface, intermediate, bottom)for nutrient and pH analyses of sampled water in the lab. parameters: Pressure, Strain Gauge [db]rnTemperature [IPTS-68, deg C]rnConductivity [mS/cm]rnpHrnOxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]rnTurbidity, Turner Cyclops [NTU] Pressure, Strain Gauge [db]rnTemperature [IPTS-68, deg C]rnConductivity [mS/cm]rnpHrnOxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]rnTurbidity, Turner Cyclops [NTU]

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    Marine Arctic fish diversity and habitat ecology (Aristotle) Aims at improving current knowledge on the fish fauna in the Kongsfjorden. Two complimentary approaches are applied: i) genetic analysis at chromosomal level; ii) use of non-invasive video technologies to study fish communities. List of fish species and pertaining biologic information (size, weight, sex).

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    This proposal will focus on eutrophication, contaminants, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors of the MSFD. Vertical acquisition in 18 CTD station in Kongsfjorden with water sampling at 2-3 depths (surface, intermediate, bottom) for nutrient and pH analyses of sampled water in the lab