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The Italian project CASSANDRA is part of the international framework of the Synoptic Arctic Survey which seeks to collect oceanographic data in the Arctic Ocean in the two-year period 2020-2021 involving the coordination of many research vessels belonging to different nations. The aim is to determine the current state and major ongoing changes in the Arctic marine system by generating an oceanographic dataset that allows for a comprehensive characterization of Arctic hydrography and circulation, carbon uptake and ocean acidification, the distribution of possible pollutants, the functioning and productivity of organisms and ecosystems.
temperature, electrical conductivity, hydrometric level measured in piezometers located near CCT (Ny-Alesund)
Daily averages of equivalent black carbon from aerosol absorption coefficient at 660nm measured using a Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP), manufactured by Radiance Research. MAC equal to 10 m^2/g.
Continuous physical-chemical monitoring (1 measurement each 15 min) performed by a CTD probe and a turbidity sensor installed at the Bayelva river near the new bridge. Measurements are carried out during summer period, from the beginning of the melting season to beginning of autumn when the water start freezing.
The Brøgger peninsula located in the north-western sector of Svalbard, is rich in shallow lakes, very different in morphology, height from sea level, composition of lake sediments, seasonal snow cover and presence/absence of migratory avian fauna in their catchment areas . In 2022, as part of the EcoClimate project (PI Prof. Edoardo Calizza), the research unit of the Institute of Polar Sciences of Messina set up a first series of sensors (Temperature; light) in 8 lakes spatially distributed at different heights from the sea and with different inputs of organic and inorganic substance. The observatory is currently in its second year of measurements.
Sulphate contributions to PM10 aerosol sampled at Gruvebadet Observatory (Ny-Ålesund)