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Observing earth critical zone processes in the bayelva basin (CZO@Bayelva) Data represents the average values and the corresponding standard deviation obtained from each plots at different site along the transect CCT-airport. Each average value is obtained as a mean over a set of more than 20 point measures for each plot and each sampling date. Flux data are complemented by measurements of soil temperature and volumetric water content. data obtain using accumulation chamber and portable probe.
ISotopic and physical-chemical MOnitoring of GLACial drainages and sea water in the Ny-Ålesund area (Svalbard) The data are related to in-situ measurements of the physical-chemical parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, alkalinity), performed by portable device during summer period, starting from the higher sector of the glaciers (Midtre Lovenbreen, Austre broggerbreen, Vestre Broggerbreen, Kongsvegen, Pedersenbreen), where the first melt water is encountered, continuing towards the glaciers terminus, both laterally and centrally, and downstream, on the proglacial rivers, up to the sea.
RIS: 11079 ARctic DISsolved CO2 (AR-DIS-CO2) Project start: 2018-08-16 end: 2023-08-16 The project tackles the dynamics of dissolved gases in the ocean water of the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard islands, W archipelago). The main goals are: the characterization and monitoring of Kongfjorden’s waters in terms of dissolved gases species and ii) the identification and understanding of the relationships between dissolved gases time-variations and glaciers melting dynamics. Focus of the research activities is to monitor and comprehend the processes involving major dissolved gas species, trying to identify and understand how drainage melt glaciers influence the TDIC and gas contents of the fjord. The project is also aimed to develop a portable instrument for on-site measurements of TDIC and dissolved gases (in particular CO2, but also O2, N2, Ar, CH4, H2). Vertical profiles of temperature, pH, salinity along selected site in the Kongsfjorden. The selection of measurement sites was addressed to obtain data at least from one of the most deep vertical profile and also from profiles close to main glaciers drainages (Bayelva basin and Kronebreen-Kongsvegen glaciers). TDIC measurements is performed in water samples. water samples in glass bottles pre-evacuated are collected for gases determination.
Observing earth critical zone processes in the bayelva basin (CZO@Bayelva) The dataset includes CO2 fluxes measurements during summer period in different area along the transect from CCT to Ny-Alesund airport. The measures are performed using a portable accumulation chamber in dark (Ecosystem respiration, ER) and light (Net Ecosystem Exchange) condition. For each plot, about 20 measures are performed, including soil temperature and volumetric soil water content. CO2/H2O daily average values and standard deviation. Each measurement day contains a number of half-hour measurements.
ISotopic and physical-chemical MOnitoring of GLACial drainages and sea water in the Ny-Ålesund area (Svalbard) (ISMOGLAC) Sampling and in-situ measurements on snow and water, performed into both Kongsfjorden and glacial streams that originate in supraglacial, englacial and subglacial zones of different glaciers (Midtre Lovenbreen, Austre broggerbreen, Vestre Broggerbreen, Kongsvegen). Dataset concerns water isotopes signature of snow and Kongsfjorden water and physical-chemical data of the latter.
ISotopic and physical-chemical MOnitoring of GLACial drainages and sea water in the Ny-Ålesund area (Svalbard) The project concerns an isotopic and physical-chemical monitoring of inland glacial drainages and ocean water into Kongsfjorden. It is aimed at defining the dynamic processes of the glacial melting and evaluating the consequent transfers of fresh water towards the Arctic Ocean. The dataset includes the continuous measurements (1 data/15 min) performed during summer season by a CTD diver. Parameter: Temperature, electical conductivity, water level.
ISotopic and physical-chemical MOnitoring of GLACial drainages and sea water in the Ny-Ålesund area (Svalbard) The dataset includes vertical profiles of physical-chemical performed on-site in different sites along the fjord in Kongsfjorden.
Continuous physical-chemical monitoring (1 measurement each 15 min) performed by a CTD probe and a turbidity sensor installed at the Bayelva river near the new bridge. Measurements are carried out during summer period, from the beginning of the melting season to beginning of autumn when the water start freezing.
Data collected by the WINTER-CZ Monitoring Station. The CO2 and the temperature is sampled is measured inside the soil, the snowpack (when the station is covered by the snow) and the atmosphere. Other variables are collected as well: the humidity and the oxygen content of the soil, the snowpack height, the humidity and the temperature of the air, the wind speed and direction.