Ecosystem and biodiversity
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Chronobiology of polar organisms (Chronopolar) Monitoring water parameters in surface and deep (3.0 meters) using DS18B20 + rasberry-pi. Sample collection: Lepidurus arcticus.
DOC fractionation: dynamic of POPs and trace metals Arctic DOC (ArcticDOC) The sampling design is projected to cover almost five sampling points in the Kongsfjorden. The sampling of surface water (approximately 100 liters for each sampling point) and sediment are aimed at the determination of persistent and emerging contaminants: POPs PFAS, CUPs, PPCPs, endocrine disruptors such as nonylphenols and bisphenol A. At the same time, with tangential-flow ultrafiltration, dissolved organic matter (DOM) will be characterized according to size fractions (colloidal and truly dissolved) and the distribution of contaminants associated to these fractions will be evaluated.
Observing earth critical zone processes in the bayelva basin (CZO@Bayelva) The dataset includes CO2 fluxes measurements during summer period in different area along the transect from CCT to Ny-Alesund airport. The measures are performed using a portable accumulation chamber in dark (Ecosystem respiration, ER) and light (Net Ecosystem Exchange) condition. For each plot, about 20 measures are performed, including soil temperature and volumetric soil water content. CO2/H2O daily average values and standard deviation. Each measurement day contains a number of half-hour measurements.
Observing earth critical zone processes in the bayelva basin (CZO@Bayelva) Data represents the average values and the corresponding standard deviation obtained from each plots at different site along the transect CCT-airport. Each average value is obtained as a mean over a set of more than 20 point measures for each plot and each sampling date. Flux data are complemented by measurements of soil temperature and volumetric water content. data obtain using accumulation chamber and portable probe.
The dataset includes the sediment and biota sampling point in Svalbard Archipelago, along Krossfjorden and Kongsfjorden. Sediment was sampled with the grab from the MS-Teisten (Kings Bay) while amphipods were sampled from the coast with nets (Polar Circle - NPI).
The main goal of the UV-ICARE project was to establish a network of UV-monitoring stations on Svalbard, which is optimally coordinated and homogenised. This implies harmonization of operational routines, data analysis and storage, including a thorough instrument inter-comparison. The latter was a central element of activities. In the inter-comparison campaign that took place in Ny-Ålesund from 17 to 23 April, 2018 participated (from left to right in the photo): 1.Narrow-band filter radiometer UV-RAD, managed by the Institute of Polar Science at the National Research Council, Italy (CNR-ISP). The instrument measures the erythemally weighted solar UV irradiance (UVE) and ozone column at Ny-Ålesund. 2.Filter GUV radiometer, produced by Biospherical Instr., operating under responsibility of the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU). The radiometer provides solar UVE irradiance and ozone column at Ny-Ålesund. 3.Kipp & Zonen UVS-AE-T radiometer that measures UVE irradiance and operates at Hornsund station under responsibility of the Institute of Geophysics at the Polish Academy of Sciences (IGF-PAS). 4.Kipp & Zonen UVS-E-T radiometer that also provides solar UVE irradiance and works at Longyearbyen station, under management of Masaryk University (MU), Brno and University of South Bohemia (USB), Czech Republic. 5.Brewer #050 spectroradiometer (shown in the second picture) that provided UVE irradiance and ozone column as a reference instrument. The devise operates at Ny-Ålesund under responsibility of CNR-ISP. The inter-comparison resulted in very good agreement (±5 %) of the instruments involved, over most of solar zenith angles and weather conditions sampled, despite different technical specifications. On the basis of this campaign, it can be stated that all measurements in Ny-Ålesund, Hornsund and Longyearbyen are directly comparable at solar zenith angles < 80°.
Arctic Present Climate Change and Past Extreme Events (ARCA) CD4 core was micromilled at 200 μm increments using a micro-milling method (Drysdale et al., 2012). The stable isotope composition of the powders was measured on CO2 gas released by reaction with 105% H3PO4 at 70°C, which was measured using a mass spectrometer. Isotopic results are reported using the conventional δ-notation in per mille (‰), with reference to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V -PDB) standard. Instrument : MC-ICPMS, Nu-Instruments Plasma, Finnigan GasBench Parameter : Th**230/U**238 and U**234/U**238 activity ratios, (δ**13)C and (δ**18)O
Arctic Present Climate Change and Past Extreme Events (ARCA) Tephra are volcanic particles that can be used as chrono-stratigraphic tool for correlating sedimentary archives once they have been identified. Marine sediments have been analyzed from the GS191-01 PC core recovered during the PREPARED CRUISE 2014 in the Arctic Sea (western of Svalbard Islands). Some of these samples resulted positive and geochemical analyses will be perfomed to determine the volcanic source and establish possible correlations with known eruptions.
Carbon flux and its isotopic signature in arctic regions under climate change (CarIsoA) Study carbon flux by evaluating CO2 assimilation on target species. Parameters: Light curve, CO2 curve and temperature curve for on Salix polaris, Saxifraga cespitosa, Dryas octopetala and Carex polaris
Marine Arctic fish diversity and habitat ecology (Aristotle) Aims at improving current knowledge on the fish fauna in the Kongsfjorden. Two complimentary approaches are applied: i) genetic analysis at chromosomal level; ii) use of non-invasive video technologies to study fish communities. List of fish species and pertaining biologic information (size, weight, sex).