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    Observing earth critical zone processes in the bayelva basin (CZO@Bayelva) The dataset includes CO2 fluxes measurements during summer period in different area along the transect from CCT to Ny-Alesund airport. The measures are performed using a portable accumulation chamber in dark (Ecosystem respiration, ER) and light (Net Ecosystem Exchange) condition. For each plot, about 20 measures are performed, including soil temperature and volumetric soil water content. CO2/H2O daily average values and standard deviation. Each measurement day contains a number of half-hour measurements.

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    Carbon flux and its isotopic signature in arctic regions under climate change (CarIsoA) Study carbon flux by evaluating CO2 assimilation on target species. Parameters: Light curve, CO2 curve and temperature curve for on Salix polaris, Saxifraga cespitosa, Dryas octopetala and Carex polaris

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    Marine Arctic fish diversity and habitat ecology (Aristotle) Aims at improving current knowledge on the fish fauna in the Kongsfjorden. Two complimentary approaches are applied: i) genetic analysis at chromosomal level; ii) use of non-invasive video technologies to study fish communities. List of fish species and pertaining biologic information (size, weight, sex).

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    This proposal will focus, by means of a multidisciplinary and well-balanced consortium on eutrophication, contaminants, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors of the MSFD. vertical acquisition in 18 CTD station in Kongsfjorden with water sampling at 2-3 depths (surface, intermediate, bottom)for nutrient and pH analyses of sampled water in the lab. parameters: Pressure, Strain Gauge [db]rnTemperature [IPTS-68, deg C]rnConductivity [mS/cm]rnpHrnOxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]rnTurbidity, Turner Cyclops [NTU] Pressure, Strain Gauge [db]rnTemperature [IPTS-68, deg C]rnConductivity [mS/cm]rnpHrnOxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l]rnTurbidity, Turner Cyclops [NTU]

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    Observing Earth critical zone processes in the Bayelva basin (CZO@Bayelva). Data represents the average values and the corresponding standard deviation of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Ecosystem Respiration (ER) and Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) obtained from two different sites in the tundra of the Bayelva river basin: One site (named CZ) is located in the vicinity of the Climate Change Tower. The other one (named "Airport") is in the vicinity of the Ny Alesund Airport. Each average value is obtained as a mean over a set of around 20 point measures for each plot and each sampling date. Flux data are complemented by measurements of soil temperature, soil volumetric water content, air temperature and relative humidity, and solar irradiance. CO2 fluxes are measured using a flux chamber and a LI-COR IRGA by means of the Dynamic Flux Chamber method.

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    Contribution of Vegetation and Soil components to Carbon cycle in Arctic environment in relationship to climate change (VegSoCA). Measurements of soil respiration and 13C labelling on different species in the experimental field close to the CCTower using LiCOR LI-8100. Species were: Carex rupestris, Dryas octopetala, Salix polaris, Moss and bare soil. Dataset: Species type, date, soil water content, soil EC, soil temperature, CO2 flux.

  • The aim of this project is to detect the presence of NIMS and door knocker species in marine coastal waters of Svalbard by using a traditional fishing system (traps) and complementary multi-approach monitoring techniques (underwater cameras, hydrophones, plankton net and eDNA collectors) to find all elusive or cryptic species and those present at low density.

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    RIS: 11079 ARctic DISsolved CO2 (AR-DIS-CO2) Project start: 2018-08-16 end: 2023-08-16 The project tackles the dynamics of dissolved gases in the ocean water of the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard islands, W archipelago). The main goals are: the characterization and monitoring of Kongfjorden’s waters in terms of dissolved gases species and ii) the identification and understanding of the relationships between dissolved gases time-variations and glaciers melting dynamics. Focus of the research activities is to monitor and comprehend the processes involving major dissolved gas species, trying to identify and understand how drainage melt glaciers influence the TDIC and gas contents of the fjord. The project is also aimed to develop a portable instrument for on-site measurements of TDIC and dissolved gases (in particular CO2, but also O2, N2, Ar, CH4, H2). Vertical profiles of temperature, pH, salinity along selected site in the Kongsfjorden. The selection of measurement sites was addressed to obtain data at least from one of the most deep vertical profile and also from profiles close to main glaciers drainages (Bayelva basin and Kronebreen-Kongsvegen glaciers). TDIC measurements is performed in water samples. water samples in glass bottles pre-evacuated are collected for gases determination.